Tuesday, August 7, 2018


When it comes to SEO there is lots of information which mislead the readers. Now it seems from past few years most of them have become an SEO expert. I have heard from most of the people looking for SEO information that they don’t know what information to trust. Here I am going to share some of the most effective SEO tips and strategy that I have been using to increase organic search traffic. This can range from small business and startups to multinational companies.

1.      Ranking content in Google Featured snippet

The Featured snippet section is the most important section which appears inside the page of Google. Hence focusing on target keywords is very important for your website. You can use keyword suggestion sites to find correct keywords for your business.

2.      Checking for Links

It is the most important technique in SEO to check if any of the pages contain a link to yours. It is one of the strategies of link building.

3.      Boost under performing content

It is noticed that large percent of most site organic traffic comes from small portion of total content on the site. Content ranking on 2 or 3 pages could be great help in increasing the organic traffic.

4.      Competitor Link Analysis

It is very important and useful to track what your competitor is doing, from where they are getting the effective link juice. I would suggest for every campaign you should always do mapping of your competitor.

This could be done through:

1.      Identifying a short list of competitors within your industry.
2.      Finding out for websites and specific webpages that are linking them.
3.      Finding opportunities where you can get similar links.

5.  Find out for Question that your buyers are asking

Finding keywords and adding those on your content isn’t enough to get a good organic traffic. You need to relate the content with your buyer thinking. There are number of places where you can look for the questions that your buyers are asking. One of the best examples is Quora. Looking for questions on quora can be very helpful to find the target keywords which your customer is using.

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